PHilosophy Constantea The Imperial Tea
About Tea
Since Emperor Shen Nong discovered the marvels of tea in China 4,000 years ago, tea leaves have embarked on a transformative journey, becoming one of the most widely enjoyed beverages globally, second only to water. Initially reserved for aristocrats and nobility, the aroma and pleasure of tea eventually spread to all layers of society. From its early use as a healing potion, tea has played various roles worldwide, from the English tradition of afternoon tea to its utilization in political diplomacy, such as Nelson Mandela’s use of tea in easing post-apartheid political tensions in South Africa.
In the early 17th century, Batavia botanist Andreas Cleyer introduced tea seeds from China to Indonesia. Blessed with a unique geographic location along the equator, Indonesia boasts fertile land ideal for cultivating tea plants, particularly the Assamica variety. The country’s humid and warm climate yields some of the finest tea, making it highly sought after globally. Unsurprisingly, Indonesia has become one of the world’s largest tea suppliers. Ironically, while high-quality tea is predominantly exported without a brand identity, lower-quality tea stems are sold domestically.
This disparity inspired us to fill the gap by empowering local farmers to consistently produce constant tea leaves of high quality and flavour, and introduce them to the world under the brand: Constantea. Our mission is to ensure that the exceptional and constant quality of Indonesian tea is recognized globally, fostering sustainable practices and supporting the local economy.

Mandala • Dragon Head • Gold Color
In a heartfelt expression of gratitude to nature for bestowing us with this remarkable plant, we proudly produce Constantea using 100% high-quality tea leaves sourced from the fertile soils of Indonesia. Embracing the philosophy of tea, which revolves around three essential elements: water, tea, and brewing equipment, we have meticulously crafted the Constantea logo to reflect these principles through its three main components: the Mandala, the Dragon Head, and the Gold Color.
The literal meaning of Mandala is “circle,” a symbol that reflects the cycle of events, repetition, and the spiritual journey of individuals. It represents the universe and its interconnectedness with humanity. Mandala is deeply rooted in Indonesian culture, with elements of it engraved in the ancient Borobudur Buddhist temple. Beyond Buddhism, Mandala is found in Hinduism, Jainism, and Shintoism, indicating its universality in human civilization. At Borobudur, the Mandala symbolizes the Javanese concept of mancapat (or mancalima), depicting the purification process of the individual soul.
In the Constantea logo, the Mandala features two main elements: curved lines on the outer part surrounding the circle, and a modified alchemical symbol. The curved lines, forming silhouettes of mountains, symbolize the ideal place for tea leaf growth, particularly in Indonesia, located on the Pacific Ring of Fire. The fertile volcanic soil from eruptions imparts Indonesian tea leaves with exceptional physical quality and aroma. The alchemical symbol in the Constantea logo symbolizes life, akin to the human journey through various phases. Similarly, tea undergoes a lengthy process before it can benefit humans.
The tea journey, from a tiny seed growing silently on high plateaus to being harvested and processed by human hands, exemplifies synergy and collaboration, leading to harmony. This cycle signifies that if everyone lives peacefully and maintains this balance, it will ensure universal continuity.
The dragon is a mythological entity that transcends various ancient traditions, including the rich cultural heritage of Indonesia. Traditionally, the dragon is depicted as a guardian or protector among clouds or springs. It is often considered a symbol of great fortune, immortalized in valuable artworks, imperial robes, and palace ornaments.
The Chinese dragon’s physical attributes combine unique characteristics: the antlers of a stag, the neck of a serpent, the scales of a carp, the talons of an eagle, the ears of a buffalo, the forehead of a camel, and more. This amalgamation of diverse traits creates a majestic, powerful, and magnificent entity. Dragons are often depicted as leaders among all creatures, exuding unquestionable authority, much like emperors seen as holders of the mandate from heaven. Similarly, in Javanese philosophy, the dragon symbolizes protection and friendship.
As a guardian and protector, the dragon embodies nature’s preservation and sustainability. This philosophy underpins our commitment to protecting the environment where tea grows, ensuring that the soil remains fertile and cultivation practices adhere to seasonal cycles to produce the highest quality tea.
As a symbol of fertility and luck, the dragon represents our hope for the success of the Indonesian tea industry and prosperity for tea lovers, both in terms of health and the enjoyment of tea flavors. We envision Constantea as a medium that fosters family unity, accompanies individuals in solitude, and is present in every precious moment of life.
Lastly, the dragon, seen as a leader among all creatures, reflects the superiority and excellence of Indonesian tea on the global stage. We have created Constantea: The Imperial Tea, inspired by these philosophical values. Our grand vision is to establish Constantea as the “Dragon” of the Asian tea world, setting the standard for all other tea products.
Throughout history, gold has symbolized unquestionable luxury and beauty. This precious metal, believed to bring luck and success, is considered eternal and impervious to time. The timeless shimmer of gold evokes joy, warmth, elegance, and prestige like no other. In various traditions and beliefs, gold is also considered a symbol of divinity and spiritual light, adding profound significance to its presence.
We associate the luxury and elegance of gold with our tea’s premium and exclusive quality. We aim to elevate the image of Indonesian tea in the eyes of consumers both domestically and internationally. The gold color, with its associations of joy and warmth, reflects the experience of brewing and drinking tea as a moment that indulges the body and soul amidst the day’s weariness. Tea is not merely a thirst-quenching drink; it has the power to provide tranquility and inner peace to its enthusiasts.
This philosophy underpins our commitment to presenting Constantea with perfect quality. We source 100% of the finest tea leaves from Indonesian soil, ensuring that Constantea embodies both physical pleasure and luxury. We intend to provide profound experiences through tea drinking that bring you peace and happiness, not merely physical pleasure and luxury. We hope that Constantea awakens an awareness of the beauty of the universe and cultivates a deeper appreciation for the values of life. Through every sip, we aim for you to feel the value of your existence and appreciate the abundant blessings of nature surrounding you.
08.30 – 17.00 | Monday – Friday
Jl. Kecil Cagak No. 10 Gunung Putri – Bogor Regency 16961 West Java, Indonesia.